Fabrication de bonbons japonais

Make Decchi Yokan from Anko Beans

About Decchi-Yokan

Decchi-Yokan has been produced in Omihachiman since 1900. It is traditionally and still today wrapped by hand in natural bamboo bark. Instead of agar, which was difficult to obtain far from the sea, wheat flour is used as a binding agent for this yokan. The bean paste made from Tokachi azuki beans, sugar and flour is kneaded, wrapped by hand in a bamboo skin and slowly steamed.

Sweets Making Experience

In this experience you will get an introduction to the different types of confectioneries produced - of course you can taste! After that you will make your own Decchi-Yokan starting with the preparation of the Anko-Beans, through the steaming process and finally the wrapping in bamboo leaves. You can take your freshly made sweets home!


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